
I am seeing things totally upside down from what my mom raised me to believe or understand. I was never one to be told “what to think”, I was raised “how to think.” I believe that is what is missing today in society, children and people are being indoctrinated into believing a narrative that a progressive, socialist, marxist utopia is what we need. This is why I started my blog and will continue it for the time being to fight against that agenda.

I have based this blog about personal education and enlightenment, not only mine but any followers or readers of my blog. I do think outside of the box on my posts, some may get frightened by some of the conclusions or conjecture that I arrive at, as I stated things are upside down, conventional thinking will not do. Our government and the main stream media do not think we as a society are capable of understanding what is going on, I beg to differ.

Since I am fairly new to blogging (is that even a word?) This was a very basic site, it has come time for me to start to make changes, changes can be good.

Welcome to equiangular, check out “About” and then dive right into your personal education of enlightenment.

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